Tag Archive | Censorship

A Top Secret Communique From The Obvious One

Hello my fellow Americans, Captain Obvious here – reporting live from behind the enemy lines erected on 9/11/2001 by a criminal junta funded, it seems, by multiple sovereign fiduciary entities for which it has become a capital crime to reveal the truth about in a court of law.  That would be a capital crime punishable by death sans judge or jury of one’s peers.

Hillary Clinton recently stated that Wikileaks has attacked the international community.  To those who prevaricate for a living, the truth seems the ultimate weapon of assault.

So how did this pathetic reversal of contemporary reality take place? 

In 1947, the Nazi spy contingent we, the United States of America, saved from the hangman’s noose at Nuremburg convinced our spies that the “national security state” was more than a German war tactic; it was a key strategy for building any empire.

You believe you know of truth.  I believe I know of truth, yet it is entirely plausible and often possible for our truths to be counter-opposed while some other “third” truth – the one on which the known universe depends – overlaps neither of our cherished beliefs. 

This is an obvious fact: the plural of “anecdote” is not “data.”  Here is another: two belief systems that oppose one another cannot both be true; one or both of our sacred cows represents anecdotal information.  This is how we come to understand that it has never been the capital “T” truth from which we humans have taken the actions of our lived lives; we have always operated from our beliefs about the truth. 

Here is a considered opinion based upon my analysis of my personal experiences in life: the longer I allow two (or more) counter-opposite (dissonant) belief systems to occupy my thinking, the more likely it is that I will become unable to discriminate truth from falsehood with respect to any of the contexts addressed by the set-union of all of my belief systems.  In the South we lovingly refer to this state of affairs as, “you cain’t fix the s*t in yer head with the s*t in yer head.” 

In other words, dissonance tolerated is a multiplier of delusion.  Not an altogether bad condition, unless your belief happens to be that the number of checks in your checkbook is any indication of the balance in your checking account.  Or that you can continue to pound square pegs into round holes using only bigger hammers to make your anecdotes conform to your precious data regarding holes.

Here’s another considered opinion about holes based upon my analysis of personal experience: when I find that I am in one, I should drop my shovel.  I have been told that this is the First Rule of Holes.

Now we have the established authority of the state condemning a non-governmental entity for some form of “terrorism” because it dared to reveal the concealed truth reserved for the eyes and ears of the national security state.  Forgive me if I am missing the obvious here, but what is more sovereign in human experience than the truth of the matter?  Does not our notional system of justice seek to determine, through the application of debate and academic rigor, the relevant components of truth to be applied in a given context?  On whose “side” should justice serve if not the side that would claim affinity with all of the principles that allow us to breathe air into our lungs, spin stably in an orbit about a life-giving star, or communicate thoughts from one person to another?

Has someone on dear Hillary’s X-mas list forgotten the First Rule of Holes?  Do we really wish to dig ourselves all the way to China?  Is it possible to fall out of the “Stupid Tree” and hit absolutely every single branch on the way down?

We already know what became of a people who permitted their notional system of justice to serve deceit, delusion and falsehood: they became oligarchies in the service of inculcated hatred and ignorance.  The oligarchs of corporatism – the fascists – became the undoing of the natural evolutionary selection process of ”increased fitness” under which all life forms appear to operate.  And they committed this error while committing unspeakable atrocities against an increasing number of political minorities that sought to oppose or temper the head-long rush of these oligarchs into an abyss of amorality and unethical behavior.  The civilized society we sought to defend our families, friends and way of life with had become just another jungle where morality and ethical principles would always take a backseat to the need to breathe, drink, eat, procreate and take our “comforts.”  One can claim efficiency as a key virtue of the oligarchy that was Nazi Germany, but suicide is likewise as efficient.  Suicide ends suffering, does it not?  What good is living a life that must always end with the realization that one has lost absolutely everything that they have ever come to value?  Surely suicide represents the most efficient course of action to take when faced with the reality of a human experience, no?  Be logical, will you!  Think linearly and clearly, like a lizard, for once in your demonstrably miserable, when not delusional, existence!

Fascism – capitalism by another name – has proven itself to be the murderer of civilization using this bird-brained truncheon of human oligarchy as its centerpiece.  This is the truth that Hillary Clinton and all of the media-soaked oligarchs wish to keep secret from you and me.  This is the truth that they fear we will all flock to because it is, in fact, the truth and as such knows only of itself and its creations. 

Become a whole person again by never allowing yourself to be taken as separate from that which fundamentally sustains your very existence.  Know the truth and you will know yourself because that must be what you are made of.

Until next time, Captain Obvious signing off.

Fit Hits Shan At 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue

Fit hits shan, shan generates sparks, sparks cause fire, Fotomat burns down, no film at eleven.

Joe Biden has been tasked to consider invoking the 25th Amendment against Barry Soetoro, our beloved Narcissist-in-Chief, Barak Hussein Obama. President Obama is allegedly using prescription anti-anxiety medication for weeks now and is also using his wife, mother-in-law and Valerie Jarrett to deflect his former key staff members from direct contact. For those unfamiliar with the viciousness of executive staff when a leader shows weakness, this means that the titular head of state is without portfolio (i.e. we’re screwed) and our nation could become a WalMart subsidiary at any moment.

I can understand Jarrett taking point to direct traffic while a devastated Barry reels from the revelations that he’s frequented male bathhouses in Chicago with Rahm Emmanuel, or that he was reared from childhood to be a Manchurian Candidate, but using one’s own mother-in-law against one’s own staff? There has got to be something in Marcus of Queensbury to address this wholly unfair and unprecedented use of “first strike” capability. What happens if al-Maliki decides to start using his mother-in-law against the US? Would Afghanistan follow suit? Could this unleash an unstoppable chain-reaction of mother-in-laws taking control of all heads of state at the same time? Oh, the humanity!

Like most males born under the sign of Leo, leadership runs skin deep. These folks talk a good game, but when the time comes to personally pull the trigger on someone’s sacred cow, a Leo male will often be found heaving in a janitor’s closet somewhere, afraid to come out and face the reality of their own inadequacy to the tasks they asked for and were promptly given. I can relate. I love Leo people. I always have a lot of fun with the Leos who have peopled my life for decades now, but they are born second bananas, loyal and true, not chief executives capable of inflicting martial discipline on a staff that has spun out of control.

Chiefs have to be able to stare across a lonely, frozen tundra of loose associations at possibly their oldest and dearest friend and be willing to cut them out of their inner circle without so much as a bead of sweat crossing their brow in public. Such lizard-like efficiency is the difference between 50,000 children starving in the cold each night versus 200,000; or Larry Leibowitz making 50,000 dollars a year versus 200 million and change we can believe in.

The job of President of the US as we the people have constructed it sucks so bad it whistles and warns healthy, intelligent people to get out of the tracks, a runaway train is coming. While no one could accuse Barry Soetoro of being a dumbass or a moron, he is most definitely not a healthy personality at the present time. His narcissism and perhaps long overdue paranoia have become a smoldering pathology that could send our first black President out of service because he is a little light in the belfry, not unlike Paul Revere.

On the heels of Jon Stewart’s confirmation that, yes, our country is indeed having a nervous breakdown and, yes, Jon’s older brother and head of the NY Stock Exchange would like us all to just calm down and enjoy the screwing we are all receiving at the hands of his family, we now have word that Barry has been sent out of country until everyone can decide what the hell it is we do here in America. Do we peddle fascism and the strident exploitation of the middle class, or do we just export jobs to third world countries for the benefit of our corporate sponsors?

Come on, America, decide who you are, already! Then we can let soul-brothah Barry know so that he can tell his mother-in-law to go kick some Republican ass up and down the National Mall.

Some Jokes Aren’t That Funny

‘Who’s there?”
“Jew, who?”
Silly goy, don’t cry because I own all the good knock-knock jokes.

The United States owes a debt to the Jews of Europe that can never be repaid. The United States allowed morons like Henry Ford, Charles Lindberg, Irenee Du Pont, Grayson Murphy, J.P. Morgan, Joseph Kennedy, the Bush Crime Family, Averill Harriman, the Dulles brothers, the Brown Brothers and, of course, Father Coughlin – a Canadian, but close enough – to a) rise to prominence and b) spew vile anti-Semitism on a global basis for multiple decades. Much of what transpired against European Jewry during the Nazi and Stalinist regimes had its roots in the machinations of the financial class in the early 20th century by 19th and 20th century American tycoons. If I were a Jew and names like the aforementioned hated my ethnicity out of some sort of weird bigot-reflex, I believe I would be quite paranoid regarding the negative events transpiring in my personal life and the lives of my family members. Certainly nothing good could come from the economic, political, social and psychological pressure a coordinated attack by America’s kabillionaires against my ethnicity would cause. Contemporary proof of my point can be found in the scattered fellowship of millions of former homeowners robbed absolutely blind by America’s latest crop of avaricious robber barons.

And yet, the United States cannot will itself a better past nor repay an irreconcilable debt.

But we can make some amends.

We can fire Rick Sanchez from CNN.

Anyone who has ever listened to Rick Sanchez confront the porcine purveyors of political poppycock on his former CNN show knew well enough that this day might come. Lead by the journalist Helen Thomas, Rick had had enough tap-dancing around the subject of what is truly wrong with America. Something needed to be said and, by god, Helen Thomas should say it. Even if it killed her, which it most likely did.

Rick Sanchez, like Governor Rick Perry of Texas, has terrific hair. The two Ricks would make a great political team – one, thoroughly compromised by the killing of innocent human beings and in the sleeping with a man not his wife; the other, plaintively looking for a pigeon-free ledge where he can piss and moan about the coming apocalypse from a relatively safe height above the great unwashed masses.

Before I become too deeply ensconced in “Rickishness” and miss what I really want to write about, let me see if I can’t offer a dash of empathy-training-in-a-bottle for the newly unemployed, future traffic-tracker of the morning commute, Rick Sanchez – a Cuban-American by ethnicity and a veritable Horatio Alger by his own humble admission. I need some closure.

“If it wasn’t for Teddy Roosevelt, your family would still be picking bananas, Sanchez.”

How did that one go down, Mr. Ethnic Sensitivity, Mr. Charismatic Clodpate?

Okay, enough about Rick. Mel Gibson he is not.

Sanchez should not have been fired for shedding light on an issue that should have been a major breaking news story thirty years ago. In addition to budget cuts in education, longer working hours for parents and dwindling elementary school test scores, “We the People” have become ethically paralyzed by our own uneducated, paranoid attempts at political correctness.

Our problem is so severe that we cannot recall, or even contemplate, that it was Israelis who were dancing near the van they were using to photograph the smoking Twin Towers on 9/11/2001, and it was the Israelis who murdered an innocent American boy during their raid on a humanitarian flotilla headed for Gaza. In 2010. AD. And, yes, it was the Israelis who murdered 34 American sailors in cold blood when they launched an unprovoked attack on the USS Liberty in 1967.

Should allies intentionally fire on one another during a time of war for either side? Real allies do not. Nor do they run bulldozers over the bodies of nonviolent American protesters like Rachel Corrie. Non-violent protest was specifically designed to irritate the homicidal psychopaths among us and Israel has been irritated a lot in its short history.

I loved the non-violent persona that was John Lennon and I loved that he held out such hope that peace and humor would cure us all from looking and acting like Dick Cheney. I loved Martin Luther King, Jr for similar, if less sardonic, reasons. But non-violent protesters have never stopped a cabal of insane idiots from picking one culture up by its heels and beating another one to death with it; certainly not on a schedule driven by an extinction-level event like global climate change. Lucky for us that the same folks responsible for promoting global warfare are also supremely interested in delaying any significant action to functionally address the remediation of global climate change. The only solution all of these mentally and emotionally ill whack-jobs seem to have for any communal infirmity is, “lower the population, by any and all means necessary.”

What does any of this have to do with the Jews? The Jews of antiquity, the Jews of the Torah, the Jews who have stood up for Civil Rights and democratic principles have had nothing to do with any of this madness. In fact, prior to the Holocaust in World War II, European Jewry wanted nothing to do with a homeland in Palestine. Such a thing, were it to come to pass without a divine messiah, used to be considered sacrilege by the majority of European Jewry. Among truly conservative Jewry the existence of Israel is an apostasy, a mockery of everything traditionally Jewish.

How could the mass murder of six million Jews (not to diminish the import of the four or five million non-Jews who were also exterminated) vastly change the political landscape in favor of the abandonment of a key principle underpinning the rich and beautiful traditions of the Judaism and its tenets?

As rhetorical as this question might sound, the systematic extermination, in December, 2008, of the people of Gaza should give any beating heart outside of the IDF considerable pause and time for reflection. The ferocious assault on an unarmed and segregated people was largely viewed by the world as severely out of proportion with the provocation – a few handmade rockets were supposedly fired from an area in Gaza directly into Israeli territory, killing a few Israeli citizens according to Israeli reports. Given Israel’s historical willingness to sacrifice a few of its own in order to promote the “greater good” it is not out of the question that this “provocation” was entirely the work of the Israelis themselves.

Considerable evidence suggests that the people of Gaza populate an area to be utilized for the transportation of Caspian Sea oil and gas, bypassing the Suez Canal and keeping the Egyptians securely away from the potential windfall to be made transporting these resources to an oil-starved Indian economy. So rather than making a ferocious attack on an unarmed people due to some pretense out of accord with the size of the initiating threat, perhaps this attack on Gaza had more to do with securing the unfettered transportation of a valuable resource through an area potentially under the control of the “terrorist group” Hamas. One does wonder. Silly goy.

Many Jewish comedians and comediennes are hilariously funny. Many of these have traded in their Judaism for an Israeli-flavored form of Zionism that shares many of the fascist tenets of fundamentalist pseudo-religious traditions all over the world. Zionism in all its flavors seems to have swept the globe, polarizing human beings as either sane or insane, crippling some of our greatest talents with alternating bouts of sanity and insanity.

Using the enormous resources available to a post-world war global economy to split Jewish culture into fascist Israeli zealots on the one hand, or extinct Jewish non-Jews on the other, was not funny, is not funny and all the Israeli ire in the world will not wring a punch-line out of any of this: they have become that which they claimed to despise.