Kick Out For Change In 2011

Happy New Year’s Eve, gentle readers.

Corporate fascism is on the march, racism against Arabs on the part of law enforcement is thick enough to cut with a knife, Republicans in the legislature can dare refuse funds for the treatment of Ground Zero  heroes, Democrats refuse to come to the aid of Dennis Kucinich, 90% of the casualties in our mid-east wars are civilians (up from 70% during all of Viet Nam) and our President is a pestilent windbag of tepid air.  Strikes by labor and university students are global and virtually unknown by our media and ignorance and brainwashed stupidity have run rampant.

If anyone is feeling powerless this evening, imagine my shock.Here’s something non-violent we all can do together, starting tomorrow, that will serve to unify us in preparation for what must always fill the void left behind by an oligarchy fit for self indulgent narcissism and a suffering majority sworn to enable them.

We can “kick out for change.”

We can all decide to rise at 7AM, every morning and, after a brief stretch, kick into the air and say to ourselves, “I abhor the way things are.”  Kick accurately, with purpose, from the hip and then the knee.  Release the frustration caused by the powerlessness, and then carry on with your day – go back to bed and rest, or proceed with your regular routine.  What is important is that we are all deciding to do something together, quietly, in preparation for what we must do in the coming days, months and years.  We are many, they are few, but without a singleness of purpose we can be divided against one another.

So, upon awakening, follow these few simple steps for now.  Kick out for change and then watch what happens and what manifests when we add a physical dimension to our many billions of prayers for salvation, wholeness and unity of purpose.

These are the thoughts that consumed me as I watched what was left of the middle class down at the local warehouse liquor store stocking up for one good, long drunk that someone, long ago, decided was a good tradition to develop and maintain.  I have a new tradition that we can all adopt starting tomorrow and proceeding every day for the rest of our lives together.  We kick out for change, we kick out to bust through obstacles of all kinds, we kick out to put our apathy on notice that we will no longer be the sheep that we have all been until now.  We will do something together, in unison, that involves no threat and no clear platform from which we can be accused of terrorism or riot – just a clear physical and emotional statement of unity with the rest of the human species.

This, in truth, is all that has been missing from our lives and what we can chooseto put back, if ever so humbly, one day at a time.

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